Presence of God

 'Presence of God is just an awareness away,' says our Ps. Chad often.

The tough lesson, which takes long time to learn fully for a Christian is that the blood of Christ completely satisfies God about us.

Bible and Mr. Satan recognize that nothing  blocks our access to God like that of a guilty conscience.

So sometimes some folks accuse us of some wrong doing. All we are called to do in the house of God is to take the accusation in the light of what is revealed and recorded in our Bible.

When we do this seeking sincerely, we'd end-up with a confirmation of the wrong we've done or an understanding of the natural life principles with which our accuser recorded the FIR.

This is why the word of God is referred to as the sword of the Holy Spirit in our Bible. Without this, we cannot distinguish between Natural life principles vs. Christ's principles. 
Without a good understanding of our Bible, we'd be mostly be depressed and praying about accusations of all people.

I am still searching among adults who do NOT have any person in his/her life who thinks about what they are doing as wrong. In other words, yet to find someone with all folks around them approving of all their activities.

God welcomes us and embraces us into his presence NOT on the basis of (1) our Christian progress, (2) the depth of our knowledge, (3) our praying in tongues, (4) or even the degree of victory we  have found, BUT on the basis of our faith on the blood of the perfect lamb - Jesus, our Lord.

Of course, (1), (2), (3),  & (4) are also important to grow-up like Christ and to discern good vs evil. But we got to examine our hearts for puffiness and continually seek our Lord for understanding. 


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