5 Impurities in Churches

If we are covering up truth so as not to irritate folks,
If we are sugar-coating truth so as to please folks,
If we are masking truth so as not to be shocking to folks,
If we are engineering or doctoring communication, so as to manage perceptions of folks,
If we are yielding to folks despite our troubled conscience towards whatever we are yielding,
We have neither fear of God nor love for God in our hearts!
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As global Christians, when we look around our own families, neighborhoods and around the world, we realize that we are called to live out the new life that has been granted to us.
This includes ridding ourselves of what does not fit the new life of light and purity into which we have been swept up by the mercies of God. Eph. 5: 8–9.
Sexual immorality, degrading speech, falsehood, bitterness, and anger have no place in our lives anymore. It is not who we are. Eph 4:17-32.
Not only do we seek purity for ourselves, we also seek God’s blessing in our relationships.
In our marriages, jobs, and families, we are called to be mindful of our Lord Jesus on 24 x 7 basis and to love as we have been loved. Eph 5: 22–6: 9
In all of this we are seeking to celebrate and to spread the peace, the shalom, the flourishing, that has dawned in Christ.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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