Marriage Order Design of God

Eph 5 challenges most of us in living our household life responsibly to Christ. 

Especially the closing verse: "33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband." silences the boast of many husbands and wives on how well they deal with their spouse. 

Notice that Apostle Paul puts this on the basis of each person in the marital relationship fulfilling his/her responsibility to Christ, regardless of what the other does. 

This is the key. It is not "wait until he starts loving me, and then I'll submit to him," or "wait until she starts submitting to me, and then I'll love her," but it is essential to our responsibility before Christ, regardless of what the other does. 

Doing this alone breaks through the vicious patterns of marital conflicts and serve to restore peace and allow the other to fulfill his/her responsibility.

I have seen such unilateral obedience to Christ works wonders in marriage relationships.

Husbands and wives have been brought together, harmony restored in bitterly divided homes, grace and peace made to flourish where there have been battles, conflicts, violences and ugliness before.

Therefore, husbands, love your wife as yourself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Our Father, let these words be illuminated in our hearts and lives by the understanding of the Spirit. May we give ourselves to thinking these through and to working these out in practice in our lives. What good is it if we understand it here in this post or through our leaders, but refuse to put it into practice the next time a conflict arises?

God grant to us the willingness and the grace to be obedient to the Lord Jesus who is with us in every circumstance and every relationship of our life, regardless of what the other person does. We ask in his name, Amen.


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