Mathew 1 - Meditation by Kevin Samuel Premkumar

25 April 2019: Yesterday I read Matthew 1. From what I read, there were 42 generations from Abraham to Jesus, comprising of periods of 14 generations each from Abraham to King David, from David's time to the Babylonian exile, and from the Babylonian exile to the coming of the Messiah.

The way God orchestrated his plan by showing this beautiful and wonderful genealogy from the one from whom all the nations raised to the one because of whom all the nations were saved amazes me.
What also inspires me in believing he has all the future under his control is the uniformity of generations from one major event to another.
His plans cannot be compared to even those of architectural geniuses.
He constructs the entire universe, the future and the family tree of his people like a bird so easily builds a nest.
All that he has chosen to taken place are according to his goodness, or is done so that prophecies are fulfilled, for example, Matthew 1:22-23.

"All of this happened to fulfill the Lord's message through his prophet:
'Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and he will be called Immanuel (meaning, God is with us).'" [NLT Version]

Another thing is Joseph's belief and trust in God when the angel appears to him in his dream. Many people do not have such a strong faith to believe in the divine.
Sadly, over 35% of people on the world are atheists, that is, they do not believe in the existence of any divine beings.
No God, no Satan; life looks easy for them.

When Joseph hears that his fiancee has been conceived by the Holy Spirit, he is not afraid to go ahead with his marriage to Mary.
There is no doubt she is a virgin, though if any man today was put in Joseph's place, he would definitely consider Mary to be a promiscuous uninnocent woman with whom marriage should be broken immediately.
 Joseph, in spite of being in a confused state of mind, decides to submit to God's orders and consciously marries the pregnant virgin Mary....

If I got anything wrong or accidentally typed anything that doesn't make sense, let me know; I won't take offense. Praise be to God!


  1. Too good. I just read it and got inspired. 42 generations of genealogy show God in control -to detail! Amazing Revelation God has given Kevin!

  2. Excellent insight Kevin.
    And superb writing skills.. praise God!

  3. Glory to Jesus Christ!


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