Mathew 13 - Meditation by Kevin Samuel Premkumar

Throughout the chapter, you can find Jesus preaching in parables. My favorite parable of all of these is the story of the farmer scattering the seed. The story begins with a farmer who scatters some seeds over his field. Some seed fell on the footpath, and the ravens came and ate them. The other seeds fell on shallow soil with underlying rock. The plants sprang up quickly but died soon because their roots had no nourishment in the shallow soil. Some of the other seeds fell upon thorns that shot up and choked out the blades. The rest of the seeds fell on fertile soil and produced thirty, sixty and a hundred fold of what was planted.

When Jesus had preached this, his disciples asked him what it had meant. We are very blessed to know the meaning of this parable, as it was not revealed to the other Israelite at that time. 

The seeds that fell on the foot path represented those who heard the Good News but let it out the other ear. The devil will then come and take the seed away from them. 

The rocky soil represents those who received the Gospel with joy and start out well, but soon suffer from troubles because of persecution or instability in their faith. 

The thorny ground represents those who receive the Good News, but they lose it due to the cares of this life. 

The good soil represents the hearts of those who truly accept the Good News in their hearts and produce a good fruit- thirty times, sixty times, or a hundred times what was planted.

Therefore we should all strive to be like the good seed that falls into the fertile soil and produces a good yield. We must live fruitfully and productively so as to make sure that more people are part of the 'huge harvest'.


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