Matthew 16 - Meditation by Kevin Samuel Premkumar

In this chapter, several important incidents take place: the Pharisees and Saducees demand a miraculous sign from Jesus, Peter declares Jesus as the Messiah, and Jesus predicts his death.

When the Pharisees and the Saducees came to Jesus and demanded a miraculous sign from him, Jesus gave them the sign of the prophet Jonah. This meant Jesus was criticizing these leaders for their faith, as when Jonah went to Ninevah and prophesied, the people listened to him and turned away from their sins. Yet, someone greater than the prophet Jonah has come, and the people don't listen to him, or believe him. Then Jesus told his disciples to beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, to signify that their false teachings should be avoided.

Later, Jesus asked his disciples on who the people think he is. The disciples told him that some say he is Elijah, others say John the Baptist and others say Jeremiah or some prophet. Then Jesus asked then whom they thought he was. Then Peter proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God, whose has come to save the world. And Jesus blesses Peter for his faith.

Peter's faith is what made him such a powerful apostle and servant of God. We must also use our faith to do good work for the establishment of God's kingdom on Earth.


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