Mathew 21 - Meditation of Kevin Samuel Premkumar

In this chapter, the significant topics are Jesus coming to Jerusalem on a donkey, Jesus making the fruitless fig tree wither and the parable of the tenants.

When Jesus was hungry, he found a fig tree, but saw that it had no fruit. Then he cursed the tree, saying that it shall not bear fruit anymore. Immediately the tree withered.

The disciples were amazed at this, so they asked Jesus how he did it. Jesus told them that all they needed was faith. You can do more than just make the tree wither. Jesus said that if you have enough faith and say to the mountain, "Go and throw yourself in the sea," it will be done.

Then Jesus was questioned of his authority by the chief priests and the elders of the people. Jesus replied to them, "I will also ask you one question. If you answer me, I will tell you by what authority I am doing these things. John's baptism-where did it come from? Was it from heaven, or from men?" 

Jesus had trapped the leaders now. For if they said, "From heaven," then he will ask them why they did not believe in John's preaching. And they could not say, "From men," because the people believed that John was a prophet. Hence, they responded, "We don't know." Then Jesus also rejected their question and did not answer it.

The reason why this touched me was because whenever Jesus responded to the Pharisees questions, comments, or their thoughts, his answer came from the spirit. There is so much wisdom in every word he spoke. We are very blessed to possess God's Word and meditate on it day and night.


  1. His answers came from the spirit. Very true Kevin. Even the scribes knew this as he taught the scriptures with authority. Otherwise it's at a human intellectual level and only cerebral. When the spirit of God reveals scriptures its powerful and it reveals the wisdom of God.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, Martin


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