Mathew 27 & 28 - Meditation by Kevin Samuel Premkumar

These two chapters conclude the end of the book of Matthew. They talk about the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The reason why this part of the book is very important is because it tells us all the pains and sufferings that our Lord endured to save our souls from ultimate destruction. When the Roman soldiers placed that crown of thorns on Jesus's head, he placed the crown of forgiveness on theirs. However, it is not clearly mentioned whether the Roman soldiers repented, though in Matthew it is written that confessed that Jesus was the son of God indeed.

Another thing is inspite of Jesus's resurrection, the Pharisees want the tomb guards to blaspheme against what happened so that they may earn the respect of the governor and may be able to stop the spreading of the so-called 'rumour' that Jesus is alive. Even though Jesus always wins against the Pharisees' will, they still keep trying to deny that he is the son of God.

I felt sad for some of Jesus's disciples who doubted his resurrection. The apostle Thomas believed in Jesus only when he saw, touched and felt the wounds and holes in his palms. Jesus declared that anyone who had faith without sight was more blessed than those who saw and then believed.

I also felt bad for the ex-disciple Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus and committed suicide. Still, his unfortunate ending was predicted by many prophets in the Bible and we can now say that it was God's plan for his son to be betrayed by one of his own followers. Thus, Judas Iscariot was born to complete a purpose, and since he completed it, he went where he belonged. His love of money, which was God's enemy on Earth, caused him to stumble over and over till he finally fell.

The main promise verse of the entire chapter seems to be Matthew 28:20.

"I am with you always, even to the end of the age." [NLT]

<<Previous: Mathew 26


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