Mathew 9 - Meditation of Kevin Samuel Premkumar

The main topics in the chapter are Jesus heals a paralyzed man, Jesus calls Matthew, a discussion on fasting and Jesus heals in response to faith. I am going to meditate on the topic Jesus heals in response to faith, as it touched me most.

The leader of a certain synagogue came and knelt before Jesus and told him that his daughter has just died. He also told Jesus that it was enough for him to come there and lay his hand on his daughter, and she will come back to life. Jesus respected this man's plea, all because of his faith. On the way, a woman who was suffering from hemorrhage for several years was healed because of her faith. She touched the fringe of Jesus's robe, thinking that she may be healed. God healed her for her faith, for she knows that he can heal her.

When Jesus reached the man's house, where his daughter's funeral was taking place, he said that she was sleeping. The entire crowd laughed at him, but the man, because he believed that God can wake up his daughter. He trusted Jesus, and when Jesus touched his daughter, she 'woke up from her sleep.'

The Bible says that faith can move mountains. Faith can make the blind see, make the deaf hear, make the mute speak, make the leper leap, and bring the dead back to life. This is all possible, only if we believe in Christ, and trust in Him to lead us in our lives.

Another thing that touched me was Jesus's description of the need for workers in Matthew 9:36-38. He calls us 'sheep without a shepherd'. We indeed need to pray for more workers to arise in God's kingdom, to take care of and guide the sheep.



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