Mathew 8 - Meditation of Kevin Samuel Premkumar

Jesus goes around and heals many people of their sicknesses, disease and leprosy. Jesus heals these people as a reward for their faith that as the Son of Man, he can take away their sicknesses and cast out the demons living in them. However nobody had as much faith as the Roman Officer, whose servant was sick at home. He said he was not worthy enough to have Jesus come to his house as he was the Son of God and he was just a mere sinful human. When he told Jesus to say that his servant is healed from that distance, Jesus appreciated his faith, and at that very hour, the servant was healed.

The entire chapter seems to convey one message through many real life incidents and stories: "Have faith." When Jesus had healed many people who had come to him and saw that the crowd was getting larger, he told his disciples to cross to the other side of the lake. After Jesus had gotten into the boat and they started rowing across the lake, the Lord fell asleep. Meanwhile, a storm broke out and waves poured into the boat. Then the disciples woke him up, telling him to save them from drowning.

The funny thing here is, I can imagine Jesus getting up from a sound sleep, annoyed, inspite of the storm surrounding him, and saying, "We will not die." He actually rebuked the disciples for having little faith in him. The Jesus stood up and rebuked the storm, and the waves immediately stopped, and the disciples were awestruck.

Next, Jesus drove out the demons and let them enter pigs into he distance. I don't know why he did this, but I guess otherwise the demons might find a new host, and will live inside another person.

All these acts are demonstrations of faith that resulted in fruitfulness in the lives of the people. 👏🏻👏🏻


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