Mathew 6 - Meditation by Kevin Samuel Premkumar
So, today I read Matthew 6, the middle section of the sermon on the mount. The main message in this chapter is mentioned in Matthew 6:1;
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven." [ESV]
The Lord teaches how to pray and says the Lord's Prayer so that all may know how to pray. He tells us not to repeat lifeless and empty lines over and over again just for the sake of praying, and warns us not to pray just to gather the attention of the people around us for appreciation, to just look good and righteous in the eyes of man.
"Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven." [ESV]
The Lord teaches how to pray and says the Lord's Prayer so that all may know how to pray. He tells us not to repeat lifeless and empty lines over and over again just for the sake of praying, and warns us not to pray just to gather the attention of the people around us for appreciation, to just look good and righteous in the eyes of man.
The Lord also tells us not to store up and serve Earthly treasures, for no matter how valuable they are, one day, they will all disappear. But, we should serve and store up treasures in heaven, eternal treasures of goodness and righteousness that do not get destroyed or stolen. For where the treasure is, there our heart will also be.
For the people who worry about the future, about tomorrow and about next week, Jesus tells them not to be anxious with obsessions like, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we wear?' Jesus tells them about the lillies that are bloom today and die tomorrow. The lillies are so beautifully clothed yet they do not worry about their beauty that is provided by nature through God.
For the people who worry about the future, about tomorrow and about next week, Jesus tells them not to be anxious with obsessions like, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we wear?' Jesus tells them about the lillies that are bloom today and die tomorrow. The lillies are so beautifully clothed yet they do not worry about their beauty that is provided by nature through God.
If God loves us more than the lillies, then how much more beautiful are we in his sight? Also the birds are fed everyday, but they do not worry about what they will eat tomorrow. God tells us to learn from these things and to stop being anxious about tomorrow, because the day's troubles are sufficient enough; let tomorrow worry about itself.
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