Mathew 26 - Meditation by Kevin Samuel Premkumar

In this chapter, Judas betrays Jesus, the Last Supper takes place, Jesus is arrested and Peter denies Jesus.

When Jesus had gone to Bethany to the house of Simon, a man who had had leprosy.

During supper, a woman came in with a jar of expensive perfume and poured it over Jesus's head. The disciples thought that she had wasted her money and they suggested that she should have sold it for a large amount of money and should have contributed it to the poor. Jesus explains that she had shown her affection and love for him in such a way and that she poured out her perfume on him as he wasn't going to be on the earth for long, unlike the poor.

Then Jesus and the disciples went into the city during the Feast of the Unleavened Bread and set up a meal at the house of a man for the last supper. There he introduced to them the practice of the Holy Communion, the body and the blood that will be poured out to save all humanity. We do this in remembrance of our Lord when he carried our cross. There, Jesus predicts Peter's denial and Judas's betrayal. 

Whatever happened here was very unfortunate, but it was all according to God's plan that was revealed to and through the prophets in the olden age.

A thing that I learnt in this passage can be found Matthew 26:39. We often have our own plans and ideas to face our problems and sometimes these may go against God's plans for us. That's why we must comply with God's plans and we must submit ourselves unto him to lead us in our lives and to accomplish his will, not ours.

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